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Roundtable event by Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) hosted by the Member of the European Parliament Malte Gallée.
“What do we need to ensure food packaging safety”?

Eléonore Blondeau

5 juin 2023

When: Monday 5th of June 2023; from 3pm till 5 pm CET
Where: European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium


This event is hosted by MEP Malte Gallée, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, and Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI).

On 30 November 2022, the European Commission presented its proposal for a Regulation on packaging and packaging waste, with the overall ambition to encourage prevention of waste and reuse of a wide range of packaging types, in line with the EU waste hierarchy.

There are however on the one hand concerns about hygiene and safety related to reusable food packaging, and on the other hand there is a lack of awareness / visibility about the presence of hazardous chemicals in single-use packaging and their significant impact on consumers health and circularity.

As the European Parliament and the Council are preparing their positions on the PPWR proposal, this event gathers stakeholders to share their expertise and views on the topic of food packaging safety, to discuss existing concerns, best practices and how the EU laws - and the PPWR in particular - should truly minimise impacts of packaging on consumers health and materials circularity.


Moderator: Nathan Dufour, Zero Waste Europe

15.00 Welcome 

·        MEP Malte Gallée, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance


15.05 Introduction / Keynote speech 

·        MEP Frederique Ries, Vice-Chair of Renew Europe Group (tbc)


15.15 – 16.00

·        Dorota Napierska, Zero Waste Europe - Setting the scene (10’)

·        Eleonore Blondeau, Eternity Systems - (10’)

·        Dr. Jane Muncke, Food Packaging Forum – (10’)

·        Michela Vuerich, ANEC (The European consumer voice in standardisation) - (5’)

·        Carla Valeiras Alvarez, Safe Food Advocacy Europe (5’)


16.00 – 16.10 

·        Jonathan Briggs or Bastiaan Schuup, DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission (tbc) - Reaction to the interventions (10’)


16.15 - 16.50

·  Q&A and discussion


16.50 - 16.55 MEP Malte Gallée, Greens – Closing remarks

17.00 Closing 

The replay of the roundtable is available here on Youtube.

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